Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Return of the Lizard

This man is a disgrace, a communist and a traitor. Last time he was flapping his pre beautification medical treatment jaw, I had to leave the country to escape his traitorous, wanna-be elitist bloviations.

Read Michael Savage's Political Zoo for details if you weren't paying attention in 2004.

Could we be so blessed as to have this low life lizard slink away back to underneath his rock?

Time is short. I don't have time for niceties. This man works for the enemy of the USA. He is a quizzling bad mouthing everything about his country,his fellow military veterans and current brave military. He is in bed with the Islamists while they both work to destroy our military. He is a despicable human being. How he rose to such a level in politics is in part due to stuck on stupid voters and his buddies, all enemies of the American people who have also been elected with the backing of the likes of George Soros. His ilk are turning us in to a microcosm of the EU, with communists and socialists infecting our political system.

Take a real good look and listen to this poster boy for the Communists.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Islamic Brotherhood Nazi Connection

I've mentioned the Muslim-Nazi connection in a previous post: The Grand Mufti Haj Muhammed Amin al-Husseini's visit to the death camps with his disappointment that the Nazi's had not eradicated every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. Now this little blog has a member of the Islamic Brotherhood telling me that he and his organization reporting on them are here to debate and clarify misconceptions about these homicidal xenophobs that work to bring the barbarbic so called "Law" of Sharia to the world! *LOL* I guess because he sees so many global politicans falling for their taquiyya he thinks he can pull the wool over everyone's eyes, but I'm here to say he must be using the same drugs the imams and the assassains are taking if he thinks we are all stupid.

There are many voices out there speaking out against Islam and Sharia Law. Many of these people having been born and lived under these laws. There is also available to anyone with a computer and an internet connection or an old fashioned library card, information on the Muslim Brotherhood and the Nazi connection.

To save any readers a little time I'm going to list a few links here.

Read about the Muslim Brotherhood and Hilter; how they brought their admiration of Hilter to the "Arab Street".

Islam's War Against the West

Finalizing the Final Solution

The Muslim Brotherhood, Nazis and Al-Qaeda

Muslim BrotherHood Activity

How a mosque for ex-nazis became center of radical Islam

Muslim Brotherhood Ideology

Muslim Brotherhood
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Muslim Brotherhood symbol. The Arabic script reads, "...and be prepared.

"The Muslim Brotherhood or The Muslim Brothers (Arabic: الإخوان المسلمون al-ikhwān al-muslimūn, full title "The Society of the Muslim Brothers", often simply الإخوان al-ikhwān, "the Brotherhood") is the name of a world-wide Islamist movement, which has spawned several religious and political organizations in the Middle East dedicated to the credo: "God is our objective, the Quran is our Constitution, the Prophet is our leader, struggle is our way, and death for the sake of God is the highest of our aspirations." As stated on its charter and its website, the Muslim Brotherhood seeks to install a just Islamic empire and a worldwide Caliphate, through stages designed to Islamicize targeted nations by whatever means available. Although the Brotherhood itself renounced violence in the 1970s, many of its branches continue to practice violence through terrorism and assassination. Osama bin Laden, while studying at a university, was impressed by several professors with strong ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Among them was Muhammad Qutb, an Egyptian, whose brother, the late Sayyid Qutb, had written one of the Brotherhood’s most important tracts about anti-Western jihad, Milestones.

Some branches of the Muslim Brotherhood include groups dedicated to jihad and resistance, such as al-Jihad (Egypt), al-Gama'at al-Islamiyya (Egypt), Hamas (Palestine), and mujahideen groups in Afghanistan. These branches are normally structurally separate, yet linked by a common ideology of political Islam, as well as extensive cross-border organization and financial support.

The Muslim Brotherhood advocates the creation of Islamic government, believing that God has set out a perfect way of life and social organization in the Quran (as seen in the slogan, "The Quran is our constitution"). As such, members of the Muslim Brotherhood believe that disagreeing with them is tantamount to disagreeing with Allah, as stated by the former leader Mustafa Mashhour: “whoever stands against the Muslim Brotherhood is also standing against God and His Prophet.”[1] It expresses its interpretation of Islam through a strict religious approach to social issues such as the role of women, but also believes that Islam enjoins man to strive for social justice, the eradication of poverty and corruption, and political freedoms as defined by the Islamic state. It has previously been and continues to be strongly opposed to colonialism, and was an important actor in the struggle against Western military and economic domination in Egypt and other Muslim nations during the early 20th century. Their goal as stated by founder Hassan al-Banna was the “doctrine of reclaiming Islam’s manifest destiny; an empire, founded in the seventh century, that stretched from Spain to Indonesia.”

The Brotherhood is one of the most influential movements in the Islamic world, and especially so in the Arab world. The first Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Egypt in 1928, and Egypt is still considered the center of the movement; it is generally weaker in the Maghreb, or North Africa, than in the Arab Levant. Brotherhood branches form the main opposition to the governments in several countries in the Arab world, such as Egypt, Syria and Jordan, and are politically active to some extent in nearly every Muslim country. There are also diaspora branches in several Western nations, composed by immigrants previously active in the Brotherhood in their home countries.

The movement is immensely influential in many Muslim countries, and where legally possible, it often operates important networks of Islamic charities, guaranteeing it a support base among Muslim poor. However, most of the countries where the Brotherhood is active are ruled by undemocratic regimes. As a consequence, the movement is banned in several Arab nations, and the lack of a democratic system prevents it from gaining power through elections. Inconsistent with popular belief in the West, the Muslim Brotherhood normally does not pursue its goals through acts of terror. However, the Brotherhood has advocated martyrdom to fight Zionism. For example, the Brotherhood views militant acts by Hamas as a legitimate struggle against Israel, despite targeting both the Israeli military and civilians, many civilians of whom are required to serve in mandatory conscription in the Israeli military.

Many of the Brotherhood's writings in the Arab world and in the US have argued that the September 11th attacks were a proper response to US actions in the world. In the US, the European Union, and throughout the Arab world, the Brotherhood is often regarded by experts as the source of all modern jihadi terrorism.

In July 2005, Arab columnist and former Kuwaiti official Dr. Ahmad Al-Rabi, wrote that the "beginnings of all of the religious terrorism that we are witnessing today were in the Muslim Brotherhood's ideology."

A Time/Season for Everything

There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:

a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,

a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,

a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,

a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,

a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,

a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,

a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

(Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, NIV)

Friday, October 27, 2006

Hey Mohammad,

What page from the global jihad playbook have you taken your comments from?

It's been my experience that nothing every written by a non muslim is ever correct. Either the source is wrong or the translation wrong or it paranoia about the poor Muslim victims, always the victims.

You say "These laughable and despicable reports have capitalized on the controversy they helped to create in the first place and frantically panicked about what they called “the Muslim Brotherhood project to islamize the U.S by imposing the Sharia Law on Americans”, which is utterly ridiculous."

Taqqiyya, holy lies, bla, bla, bla.

Debate is not possible when....refer to paragraph one.

You're a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and know intimately their policies and procedures? Then you are part of the problem.

Can you hear me playing my minature violin for you, the muslim victim?

I'm not writting here to debate you or any other folower of the pedofile. Until the day you renounce global jihad, jihad in my country, denounce Hilal, the so call Imam who thinks women deserve to be raped or until you denounce all the other atrocities commited by Muslims against non muslims and Muslim men against any women be they a raped baby, stoned adult woman, an honor killing, a female castration, a film maker nearly decapitated on the streets, or muslims youths carrying on an infitada in France, you can shut the hell up and work your lies on someone else.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Muslim Brotherhood behind Minnesota airport taxi dispute

from www.dhimmiwatch.org

It turns out that the Somali cabdrivers in Minneapolis who refused to carry passengers with alcohol were inspired by the Muslim Brotherhood, as part of a larger effort to bring Sharia to the United States. For what may seem to be a pragmatic and fair solution -- the airport's initial plan to color-code the cabs as Sharia-compliant and non-Sharia-compliant -- actually opens the door to numerous other Sharia provisions in the U.S., as Daniel Pipes has pointed out. Will an unmarried man and woman be allowed to share a cab? A man carrying a ham sandwich? This kind of effort, especially now that the Ikhwan turns out to be behind it, must be seen for what it is and resisted strenuously.

Please do yourselves a favor and read the rest of the story HERE

I'm also thinking that the hijab/veil assault upon the west is also organized and constructed. We've all been reading about the controversary and demands of the Muslims in the United States, Europe and Australia. It's just all too coincidental. I am OFFENDED! Offended by Islam with it's in-your-face attitude, more and more every day. It's death by a thousand cuts you maroon politicans! Wake up and defend us, and Mr. President and Condi WAKE UP! Islam is NOT a religion of peace.

San Francisco Bay City's Dhimmitude or Sistas Under the Hijab

"We will not tolerate something like this in Fremont (California). We want to do something visually symbolic".

The first salvo in the war of jihad through dhimmitude begins on a warm autumn day in this San Francisco east bay city. The muslim immigrant mother of 6 is murdered and it has "galvanized" the "muslim community". The grieving "community" of Afghan muslims in solidarity call for a day of "Wear the Hijab" or the insane idea of "Ladies only hug a Hijab" since the young mother was wearing a hijab when she was gunned down. What a perfect opportunity to introduce infidels to the joy of being a slave to barbarism.

Muslims, never missing an opportunity to claim victim hood take the opportunity to make it a political protest that they hope will bring out 10,000 people according to the Fremont Argus newspaper, front page, October, 26, 2006.

Last month a Mexican man was killed, killer unknown, as in the muslim mother case, yet I must have missed the "Mexican Community" day of "Wear a Sarape". And when the Asian women was found dead in the park I guess I slept through the "Hong Kong Community" Day of "Wear Your Best Jade"!

Moina Shaiq,"muslim community" and Dhimmi Argus newspaper mouthpiece now claims, muslim women are afraid and feel unsafe....ignorance and fear, racism, bla, bla, bla, bla! And get this quote from the Argus "and wearing a hijah day can be an educational experience..."" Seeing another woman wearing a hijab will make me feel good".

My mind reels at the retorts to this huge piece of propaganda foisted upon the "non-muslim" community, gun pointed straight to the head of women. Now that the "non-muslim" community has been tenderized with PC crap, don't be judgemental idiocy, dumbed-down in the school system by out-in-out commie and socialists posing as teachers...you know the drill...."it's about the childrennnnn", the perfect opportunity has presented itself for the next step in dhimmitude.

To make it more palatable, Miss Shaiq is participating in this grusome excerise in dhimmitude and hoping that we will all just be sistas under the hijab.

Mainstream Muslim Mufti Madness

I read about this Austrialian Mufti yesterday at both luciann.com and MichaelSavage.com and thought most people would know about it by then. But after thinking about it for a couple days, I had to comment on it.

Where in the hell are women's groups in at least the USA? Don't they realize that what this piece of offal who is speaking for Islam, has the same thing in mind for us women in the USA and elsewhere?

In case you haven't heard what this person said...... basically that women who are like so many pieces of meat, deserve to be raped, and gang raped unless they are at home, in their rooms, totally covered. And,.......that the judge who sentenced a few muslime men who had gang raped several Austrialian women received upfair sentences because the rapes were caused by the victims. Oh yea, ladies, this is the crapola we are in for and not one little peep from women's groups.

Is rape a muslime man's RIGHT? Is the Austrialian Muslime Mufti a friend of Eye-O-Told-ya Khomeni of Iran and does he agree it's OK to rape a baby girl who is in the house, in her room? Geesh! I'm confused? Did the baby girl ask to be raped or sodomized when her diaper was changed? Was that before or after her father snipped off her clitoris with a scissors? Was the baby raped after the oh so manly slimebag had unfulfilled sex with the sheep, camel or goat that was approved by the muslim "holy" man?

Friday, October 20, 2006

Calling Michael Newdow

Let's see you put your money where your big mouth is Michael Newdow. Will you be objecting to the city of Lost Angels renaming a street for an Islamic Imam?

According to CBS Los Angeles, capital of Mexifornia, "The intersection of 41st Street and Central Avenue will be designated as Imam Abdul Karim Hasan Square".

Dhimmi Councilwoman Jan Perry introduced a motion in August calling for the intersection name change. In her estimation, and apparently in the minds of the other dhimmi council members who voted for this name change, the Imam's years of work in the Muslim community should be honored.

Do you think the Imam was working for peace and understanding among all residents of the community or only for the non assimilating Muslims who segregate themselves from their inferior infidel neighbors?

How do you think Michael Newdow would react if the name change had been "The Pope Benedict XVI Square"?

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Brits - another step toward dhimmitude

A newsroom "revolt" this week at the Daily Star which prevented a publication of a spoof of Islamic sharia law took the Brits to yet another step further on the road to dhimmitude.

The mock-up "Daily Fatwa" which promised a special "Burka Babes" and "Burn a Flag and Win a Corsa', "Win Hooks Just like Hamza's" was deemed "deliberately offensive to Muslims. (What's NOT offensive to Muslims?)

"......fears that this editorial content poses a very serious risk of violent and dangerous reprisals from religious fanatics who may take offence at these articles. This may place the staff in great jeopardy". The group urged the management to "remove the content immediately." (personally, I would have called it "The Big Mo and Allan Show".)

One source on the newspaper said: "We were worried that the building might be attacked and we thought there would be people outside burning copies of the Daily Star. Many of the newsagents that sell the paper are of Pakistani origin and would have been offended. So we were concerned both for the safety of the staff and the future of the paper."

These folks don't understand the fanatics they are afraid of. Simply by bringing up the subject is putting them at risk. Yet, there is a much larger risk to their lives, which is submission to Islam in all it forms through muslim whinning, lying, demanding, threatening.

Today you may not mock Islam, tomorrow Islam will make you a slave if you are lucky.

mmmmmmm, mockery or slavery?? It's a shame that a once great nation, which was once called "Great" Britian has lost it's heart and soul to political correctness and multiculturalism and diversity. They should look to Denmark for some tips on intestinal fortitude and DEMAND of the Muslim community to live and assimilate with the Brits or get the hell out!

Yes, that's right! or get the hell out! More and more it is becoming apparent that it will one day come to that. How much are YOU willing to tolerate?

Extreme Positions

''Extreme positions are not succeeded by moderate ones, but by contrary extreme positions.'' ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A Nation can not survive treason from within


A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enenmy at the gates is less fomridable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whipsers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.

~Marcus Tullius Cicero
Roman orator, statesman 42 B.C

Monday, October 16, 2006

Hang her in the Public Square

Feb. 10, 2005: Lynne Stewart at N.Y. news conference after being found guilty of giving support to terrorists and defrauding the U.S.

This dispicable lawyer should be hung in the public square for being convicted of giving support to the master mind of the 9/11 Islamofascist terrorist declaration of war/Dar al Jihad.

If there ever was an enemy of state this is it.

In collaboration with Islamic jihadist individuals and organizations, and her commie judge, who sentenced her to serve 28 months of a 30 year sentence, CONVICTED TRAITOR, LYNNE STEWART slapped us in the face, insulted our intelligence, and mocked the American judicial system, and national security in public today.

To the cheers, applause and laughing of her supporters, she thanked them all, especially those on the street such as cabbies. Her lying through her teeth at the press conference reminded me of the campus dhimmis. Applauding Palestinian students who had just screamed in their faces that "YOU AMERICANS ARE THE TERRORISTS!".

I wonder how we can survive as a nation with lawyers, judges, press, commies, useful idiots like these people. They seem to be multiplying and coming out of the closet to borrow a phrase from another group who work to bring down their own demise. Dhimmis and dunces and traitors.

Hang her in the public square.

The Defenders of All Things Islamic in America

CAIR - The Council on American Islamic Relations: The political arm of Jihad in America.

Several people in this organization have been proven to be connected with Jihadists and Jihadists organizations. They are big on college and university campus' in the United States. Britian and Australia also have their own similar organizations to push political Jihad in all sorts of ways. I've seen representatives of CAIR at Rallies for America and Israel and have seen their supporters at college campus meetings, waving signs in support of Hamas and Hezbollah and their rights over the rights of the countries they are attacking.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if they were buddies and working on the same projects as the International Socliatist Organization (ISO). They are similar to the ACLU at perverting and bastardizing our laws. IMHO, this organization along with the ACLU should be outlawed. CAIR

This organization has worked against every law passed to help us fight Islamofascist terrorism and have nothing to say about protecting infidels against extremist hate and actions.

They do however, have a lot to say about how poor muslims are mistreated in America, blah, blah, blah! I'm looking forward to the day when CAIR, along with the ACLU and the ISO are not only outlawed, but prosecuted for their lies, crimes and collaboration against the constitution and people of the the USA.

Anti-CAIR is an organization fighting for the constitution and against CAIR.

As always, I hope you will read and pass along this information to not only your friends, but to the politicans in your state. When the muslim in your community or state DEMAND Sharia law, you must DEMAND NO Sharia and if they don't like it to get the hell out of the west and don't let the door hit you in the arse on your way out!

A Small Ray of Hope


The Free Muslims Coalition

The Free Muslims believes that fundamentalist Islamic terror represents one of the most lethal threats to the stability of the civilized world. There is no room for terrorism in the modern world and the United States should take a no-tolerance stance on terrorism in order to avoid another tragedy, along the lines of 9-11.

I found this website through a FrontPage.com story on Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport update about the racist muslims cabbies. I've done a quick scan of their statements, and I want to believe as I think most westerners want to believe that there are "Moderate" Muslims............so I'll read more on this site and hope you will too. So far, I see it as a small ray of hope.

Let's follow the work of this coalition and hope that it's not total taquiyya.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

We have to Show You Elephants - Do you Get it Now??

Post from www.lucianne.com

We need more of this:

Pa. Republican candidate Raj Peter Bhakta slipped three elephants and a six piece mariachi band into the Rio Grande
to show how easy it is to cross to the U.S.

(Snifter-clink to Jim Hoft , the Gateway Pundit)

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Dhimmi of the Day Award

*sigh* Does anyone else feel as if they'll have a heart attack hearing the news of the day? Some stories just about break my heart, leave me breathless and needing a drink!

It's bad enough to have to listen to the rantings of drug addled imams or the great unwashed 3rd-World screaming mimis on the "Arab" street while waving their grimmy signs with "Death to America" "Death to the Pope". But what made my chest tighten today is reading about this Dhimmi of the Day

Condi Rice

It's just so damned distressing to see that the very people who are making decisions on whether we are to live or die, who are there to protect us from our enemies, instead PANDER to OUR ENEMIES!

From trips to Iraq, her diplomacy in Israel and Palestine, her comments on how murderers deserve a better life, her seemly do nothing attitude toward a maniacal high-healed dwarf in North Korea.........


Watch and Listen to Robert Spencer

The Truth About Muhammad

God Bless You, Robert Spencer

I've hugely respected and admired Robert Spencer for years for his bravery in speaking publicly on the very important topic of Islam and about the followers of Muhammad. Mr. Spencer's writings in Onward Muslim Soldiers helped to serve as a wake up call for friends who thought I was delustional about Islam. Thank you Mr. Spencer and God Bless You!

The Politically Incorrect Guide (P.I.G.)to Islam (and the Crusades) offered a look at quick facts, while thumbing through it or looking for a good quote to pass on to unbelievers of Global Jihad and the Muslim mind regarding hate, death, war, hegemony and the persecution of Christians for 13 centuries.

Mr. Spencer's new book The Truth about Muhammad is available to further blow your mind.

Below is a brief review from a site where you can purchase
The Truth About Muhammad.

As American and European leaders continue to assure us that true Islam is peaceful, and formulate foreign and domestic policy on that basis, it is more important today than ever before for non-Muslims to know exactly what Islam's founder, Muhammad, actually did and taught. Now, in The Truth About Muhammad: Founder of the World's Most Intolerant Religion, Robert Spencer provides a frank and accurate picture of the Muhammad that Muslims around the world revere: a warlord who preached violence, ordered the assassinations of his enemies, and used his "divine revelations" for his personal self-aggrandizement.

Working exclusively from the sources that Muslims themselves revere as most reliable for information about Muhammad, Spencer explains why it matters so much today what Muhammad was like. He traces Mohammad's tumultuous life in depth: from his first "revelation" from Allah (which filled him with terror that he was demon-possessed) to his deathbed (from which he called down curses upon Jews and Christians). It's all here: Muhammad's multiple marriages (including one to a nine-year-old); his convenient "revelations" justifying his own licentiousness; his joy in the brutal murders of his enemies; and above all, his clear marching orders to his followers to convert non-Muslims to Islam or force them to live as inferiors under Islamic rule.

On today's Laura Ingram radio, Mr. Spencer told the listening audience he has received FOUR DEATH THREATS SINCE this BOOK WAS PUBLISHED!

This RrontPage Magazine.com article The Philosopher and the Fatwa, October 2, 2006, Mr. Spencer's list of examples of how mujahedin throughout the world see the Prophet of Islam as the personification of the qualities they are trying to embody.

Check this out for some excellent examples beginning with this:

Merciless war chief: On September 5, 2003, Sheikh Ibrahim Mudeiris invoked one of Muhammads battles, an expedition against the Byzantine empire known as the Battle of Tabouk, when speaking of the Iraq war in a sermon broadcast by the Palestinian Authority: If we go back in the time tunnel 1400 years, we will find that history repeats itself. Byzantium represents America in the west. America will collapse, as Byzantium collapsed in the west.The Prophet [Muhammad] could, by means of unbroken ranks, conquer Byzantium, the greatest power compared to todays America -- and this without a single martyr falling from among the Muslims.The Prophet could, by means of the unity of the Muslim ranks and its awakening, defeat the America of that time. America is our No. 1 enemy, and we see it as our No. 1 enemy as long as we learn from the lessons of the Battle of Tabouk [which took place in October 630 AD]: Make ready for them whatever you can of armed strength and of mounted pickets [Koran 8:60]. We are prepared and ready, but victory is from Allah"

Purchase and share with others, and maybe, just maybe with all of us infidels awakening and speaking out, our leaders will see that Islam is incompatible with western values and they never plan to be.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Minneapolis Airport Muslim Cabbies - UPDATE

BUT.....the Airport officials really don't "get it"!

Airport Drops Muslim Cabbie Compromise
Tuesday, 10 Oct 2006

Hundreds of Muslim taxi drivers who serve Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport have refused taking passengers who are carrying alcohol.

The Metropolitan Airports Dhimmi Commission had been working with the Offended and Offensive Muslim American Society and taxi companies on a pilot program under which drivers who won't take riders carrying alcohol would put a different top light on their cabs. ( or maybe the unclean offenders could simply save the muslims the effort and wear a patch clearly labeling them as dhimmis.) That would have allowed airport employees to direct these travelers to willing drivers.

But the Metropolitan Airports Dhimmi Commission said the public response was overwhelmingly negative, and some taxi companies feared that people opposed to the system would switch to other forms of ground transport instead of cabs.

OK, HERE COMES THE CONVOLUTED LOGIC......PC based crapola.......... back in May when discussions began cabbies were refusing customers with alcohol an average of 77 times per month. But since then, the government has imposed new security rules that prohibit travelers from taking most liquids through security checkpoints, except in containers smaller than three ounces. That's led to a sharp drop in travelers carrying alcohol -- so fewer are being refused service by taxi drivers.

For now, though, taxi drivers who refuse to carry these travelers will continue to forfeit their place in the taxi queue and return to the back of the line, which often means a three-hour wait for another fare.

My own comments: If you want to do yourself a favor, sacrificing a little time now rather than much larger problems later, REFUSE to ride in a cab driven by a muslim! And say it's because they are offensive to ">>>>fill in the blank<<<<"

Offended by NY Muslims

Muslims offended by 5th Avenue Apple Store

Well, excuse me! All I am going to read of This ZD Net report is the headline because I am freaking SICK, DO YOU HEAR ME SICK of some muslim or muslim group or some muslim imam or some Shithead Muslim "on the street" being "offended" by something or other!

I am offended by YOU!!! Who is the hell do you think you are anyway? Oh that's right...you are a superior being, a muslim unlike the rest of the unclean world! You know what? You can kiss my ass! And the sooner all you westerners get this into your head, the better off we all will be!

Offended? Offended?? Get the hell out of the west if you don't like it. But then, that's the problem isn't it folks? Over and over and over again, we are cut by this muslim crap all part and parcel of global Jihad in it's many forms.

Hold your nose, you damn dhimmis who think giving them apologies, giving them their way, blah, blah, blah, Because that thinking is shit. It's the same shit they heap unpon the west's heads and we are supposed to apologize for MAKING THEM shit on our heads???
I say speak out while you can. DEMAND of your government that they stop the PC and partisan crap and get on with protecting the nation. And while you're at it DEMAND they close the borders for God's sake and for our sake.


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

To Normandie

Thank you

Thanks for posting comments to my posts. It's good to know that someone is reading my blog.

To others reading THIS post......it's the only way to contact the reader and commenter.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Words of Wisdom from Holy Man, Ayatollah Khomeini

Since the topic of "unclean" has been in the news recently with Islamic cabbies refusing unclean dogs and people carrying alcohol, I thought it appropriate at this time to post some of the quotes from Islam's most Famous spokesman, Ayatollah Khomeini. While a dog in a Muslim cab is unclean, read what the Ayatollah has to say about other animals as well as babies, children, women and non muslims.

Khomeini's book, Tahrirolvasyleh, vol. 4, Darol Elm, Gom, Iran, 1990, Source: Homa

"A man can have sex with animals such as sheeps, cows, camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village; however, selling the meat to the next door village should be fine."

The Little Green Book: Sayings of Ayatollah Khomeini, Political, Phylosophica, Social and Religious, with a special introduction by Clive Irving, ISBN number0-553-14032-9, page 47 Source: Homa

"If one commits the act of sodomy with a cow, an ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrements become impure, and even their milk may no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed and as quickly as possible and burned."

Khomeini's book, Tahrirolvasyleh, vol. 4, Darol Elm, Gom, Iran, 1990, Source: Homa

"A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate; sodomising the child is OK. If the man penetrates and damages the child then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however, does not count as one of his four permanent wives. The man will not be eligible to marry the girl's sister."

"It is better for a girl to marry in such a time when she would begin menstruation at her husband's house rather than her father's home. Any father marrying his daughter so young will have a permanent place in heaven."

The Little Green Book, Source: Harwood's Mythology's Last Gods, 175

"Eleven things are impure: urine, excrement, sperm...non-Moslem men and women...and the sweat of an excrement-eating camel."

Ayatollah Khomeini, the Holy man of the Religion of Peace! Excuse me while this unclean woman wholly unholy and uncleanly vomits!

The Wonderful World of Islam

Thanks to a poster at Luciann.com for the heads up, check out this video on YouTube

Friday, October 06, 2006

First dishonored recipient - Group


While Muslim "scholars" are divided about the need for women to wear the niqab, the veil;

At a time when Sudanese and Somali women are gang rapped while watching their babies swung by the feet and bashed against the walls by Jihadist;

While the bastardization of the word "Honor" is included in the killings of their daughters and sisters for the crime of being the victim of rape, often times by family member(s);

While young women are physically restrained while a female member of the family removes her clitoris with any sharp object available;

During a time when in 110 degree heat women are forced to cover their entire being in stifling hot cover so that the sight of the her does not "offend" the sensibilities of or drive to mad passion and perversion the unfortunate man who may witness a few hairs of her head or see her face;

While women are considered so unclean that they will contaminate the gravesite of their own husbands;

The National Organization for Women.......... remains silent

Where is the "sisterhood" that they so often espouse? Where is NOW's slightest word of condemnation for the brutal world that may be their's and their daughters' if the Islamofascists,Jihadists,fundamentalists, Mad- Mullahs, intafitadas, fatwahs, Holy Days of Hate, crazed useful idiots on the streets and in the mosques, get their way?

Admit One Group to Dhimmitude: The National Organization of Women.

Perhaps secretly the members of NOW are ahead of the curve on this one. Perhaps they already have their chadors and burkas hanging in their closets and their minds wrapped around the fact that they already are honored slaves of Islam, dhimmis.

Unclean! Unclean!


Unclean a voice shouted as the group of mourners began the short walk to the deceased Afghan Dr. X's burial site in this typical American city. Unclean, unclean! other voices, both male and female shouted at the Christian widow as she attempted to walk behind the cardboard coffin of her husband. Unclean infidel, unclean! the women shouted as they encircled Mrs. X to stop her from saying goodbye to her husband.

They had been married for 30 years, had two handsome sons, but she was now persona non grata as unclean infidel widow of the Muslim community leader now being taken to his final resting place at the edge of the Christian cemetery.

The circle of screaming and finger shaking women closed in on the widow as she sobbed in her grief for her dead husband and with the fear of being ostracized from the community she had been part of for many years.

I later learned that not only the widow was prevented from going to the burial site, but also all women, both Muslims and non Muslims as well. Why? because all women are unclean in the minds of those 7th century barbarians parading themselves as 21st century men of learning or moderation. The corpse somehow would have been defiled by a woman's presence at the gravesite.

Where were her two sons? Did they not care for their mother's grief or safety as the screaming women, some dressed in western clothing, some in black burka's, menaced and threatened her? Apparently not and why should they care? They were part of the community of superior beings, not only as Muslims, but as men, even though, one son was not yet a teenager.

I wondered at what point did the two sons consider their own mother unclean?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Cultural and Religious Islamic Jihad

Another sickening story of Islamic hatred and cultural annihilation.....in a long, long line of the continuing saga of the ROPMA!

Azerbaijan: Famous Medieval Cemetery Vanishes

as reported by the Institute for war and Peace, Caucasus Reporting Service, April 19, 2006

The famous medieval Christian cemetery of Jugha in Azerbaijan, regarded by Armenians as the biggest and most precious repositor of medieval headstones marked with crosses, the Armenians call the khachkars, of which more than 2,000 were still there in the late eighties. Each elaborately carved tombstone was a masterpiece of carving.

Armenians have said that the cemetery has been razed, comparing its destruction to the demolition of two giant Buddha figures by the Taliban in Afghanistan. International observers can confirm that the cemetery has been razed.

According to Armenian and other historians, Jugha was a flourishing Armenian town in the Middle Ages. But in 1604 Shah Abbas of Persia forcibly resettled the inhabitants to Isfahan, where to this day there is still an Armenian quarter known as New Jugfa.

for the rest of this sad story of cultural and religious destruction, click on the link above.

Minneapolis' Slide Down the Slippery Slope of Dhimmitude

Traveling via the Minneapolis Airport this Thanksgiving? Taking a bottle or two of vino to accompany the big roasted bird and other delicious tradional family foods? Or maybe you're taking a fine bottle of Scotch, brandy or bourbon to share with friends in celebration of the beginning of the holiday season.

You may be in for a long wait for a cab ride to the warmth of your family home. About three quarters of the estimated 900 taxis that make their way to the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport are Somali Muslims who have refused to take passengers carrying alcohol.

"It's become a significant customer-service issue," said Patrick Hogan, a spokesman for the Metropolitan Airports Commission, on Thursday.

Now the airports commission has a solution: color-coding the lights on the taxi roofs to indicate whether a driver will accept a booze-toting fare. The actual colors haven't been decided on yet, but commission officials met Thursday with representatives of the taxi drivers and the Minnesota chapter of the Muslim American Society to continue working on the plan.

I wonder what the outcome will be when Muslim taxi drivers decide they won't take cab fares with women without head coverings or traveling alone. Will they be accepted but forced to in ride in the cab's trunk? What if these holy, pure followers of Islam decide they won't accept people with the wrong color skin or obvious homosexuals? Will the commission dhimmis find a color coding system to appease the religious sensibilities of the cabbies?

Yes, you can take another cab, boycott the Somali cab drivers, watch for the color coding system, but isn't this an affront to American values? Why must non muslims conform to beliefs that are obviously based in hate and disrespect for what Muslims deem as inpure infidel ways.

"According to Muslim law, a Muslim driver cannot question a person's faith or beliefs," he said. "It's not a matter of the person, it's what the person is carrying."

What's next? Will a special law be made that allows Muslim drivers to search prospective fares because it is deemed their religious duty?

Appeasement and dhimmitude, it's a slippery slope that many still do not understand or are willing to put up with because they've bought into the idea of political correctness. Does The Metropolitan Airport Commission really believe that special color coded lights on the cabs will appease the Somali cab drivers?

Recent global experience has taught us that giving into Muslim demands for special treatment because of their religious beliefs is a dangerous road to travel and yet another step of jihad against the west.

How long will it be before Thanksgiving itself becomes offensive to Islam and some dhimmi commission declares that we will no longer give thanks to God for the bounty and beauty that was once the USA?

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Under Islamic Survelliance

French critic of Islam flees threats
By Elaine Sciolino The New York Times

PARIS A public high school philosophy teacher and writer who attacked the Prophet Muhammad and Islam in a newspaper commentary has gone into hiding under police protection after receiving a series of death threats, including one diffused on a radical Islamist online forum.

Robert Redeker, 52, wrote in the newspaper Le Figaro 10 days ago that Muhammad was "a merciless warlord, a looter, a mass-murderer of Jews and a polygamist." He also called the Koran "a book of incredible violence."

Redeker also compared Islam unfavorably with Christianity and Judaism and criticized the hostile reaction to a recent speech by Pope Benedict XVI that seemed to link Islam and violence.

"Jesus is a master of love; Muhammad is a master of hatred," Redeker wrote, adding: "Whereas Judaism and Christianity are religions whose rites forsake violence and remove its legitimacy, Islam is a religion that, in its very sacred text, as much as in some of its everyday rites, exalts violence and hatred. Hatred and violence dwell in the very book that educates any Muslim, the Koran."

Immediately afterward, Redeker, who teaches in a high school near Toulouse and is the author of several books on philosophy, began to receive death threats by telephone, e-mail and in the Internet forum. The forum published photos of him, what it said was his home address, directions to his home and his cellphone number.

That day's issue of Le Figaro was banned in Egypt and Tunisia and Redeker was denounced by a commentator on Al Jazeera television.

"I can't work, I can't come and go, and am obliged to hide," Redeker said in an interview Friday with Europe 1 radio from an undisclosed location. "So in some way, the Islamists have succeeded in punishing me on the territory of the republic as if I were guilty of a crime of opinion."

He said that his wife and their children had also been threatened with death. Asked to describe the sort of threats he had received, Redeker said: "You will never feel secure on this earth. One billion, 300,000 Muslims are ready to kill you." Among the threats was one by a contributor to Al Hesbah, an Internet forum that is said to be a conduit for messages from Al Qaeda and other jihad organizations.

"It is impossible that this day pass without the lions of France punishing him," the Hesbah contributor wrote. The contributor called on Muslims in France to follow the lead of Muhammad Bouyeri, who murdered the Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh after he made a film denouncing the plight of abused Muslim women.

"May God send some lion to cut his head," the contributor said of Redeker, who was described as a "pig."

Redeker's plight echoes that of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali-born Dutch politician who collaborated with van Gogh on the film and has been relentless in her criticism of some Islamic practices. The subject of numerous death threats from radical Islamists, she was put under the protection of bodyguards in the Netherlands in 2002, and now has protection in Washington, where she is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.

The Redeker case is the latest manifestation in Europe of an ideological battle that pits those who believe that Islam and the Prophet Muhammad can be criticized in the name of free speech versus a swath of the Muslim community that believes that no criticism can be tolerated.

In the newspaper commentary, Redeker also wrote, "Islam tries to dictate its rules to Europe: opening swimming pools at certain hours exclusively for women, forbidding the caricature of this religion, demanding a special diet for Muslim children in school cafeterias, fighting for wearing the veil in school, accusing free-thinkers of Islamophobia."

At first, Redeker did not speak out. In an e-mail message to The New York Times last Tuesday, he said it was not the right time to talk about his plight.

Then, in an interview with his local newspaper, La Dépêche du Midi published Thursday, Redeker described the death threats, adding, "What is happening to me corresponds fully to what I denounce in my writing: The West is under ideological surveillance by Islam."

That interview sparked a public defense of Redeker in the name of free speech and condemnations of those who threaten him, which snowballed Friday after his radio interview on Europe 1.

Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin called the threats "unacceptable" Friday, adding: "We are in a democracy. Everyone has the right to express his views freely, while respecting others, of course." An official investigation has been opened.

But on Thursday, Education Minister Gilles de Robien was less forceful. He expressed "solidarity" with Redeker, but cautioned that a "state employee must show prudence and moderation in all circumstances."

Le Figaro, in an unusual front-page open letter on Friday signed by the editor and the publisher, said: "We condemn with the greatest conviction the grave attacks on freedom of thought and freedom of expression which this affair has provoked."

Two large teachers' unions, in separate statements Friday, also threw their support behind Redeker's right to speak freely, but one of them made clear, "We do not share his convictions." Philippe de Villiers, a far-right politician, wrote President Jacques Chirac a letter Friday asking that Redeker be given "shelter - as a symbol - at the Élysée Palace rather than let him wander," Agence France-Presse reported.

Redeker, meanwhile, said that he had no second thoughts about what he wrote. "No regrets," he said in the Friday radio interview. "I have given a lot of thought in writing this text, in which each word is measured. I researched a lot. I read."