Thursday, October 26, 2006

Muslim Brotherhood behind Minnesota airport taxi dispute


It turns out that the Somali cabdrivers in Minneapolis who refused to carry passengers with alcohol were inspired by the Muslim Brotherhood, as part of a larger effort to bring Sharia to the United States. For what may seem to be a pragmatic and fair solution -- the airport's initial plan to color-code the cabs as Sharia-compliant and non-Sharia-compliant -- actually opens the door to numerous other Sharia provisions in the U.S., as Daniel Pipes has pointed out. Will an unmarried man and woman be allowed to share a cab? A man carrying a ham sandwich? This kind of effort, especially now that the Ikhwan turns out to be behind it, must be seen for what it is and resisted strenuously.

Please do yourselves a favor and read the rest of the story HERE

I'm also thinking that the hijab/veil assault upon the west is also organized and constructed. We've all been reading about the controversary and demands of the Muslims in the United States, Europe and Australia. It's just all too coincidental. I am OFFENDED! Offended by Islam with it's in-your-face attitude, more and more every day. It's death by a thousand cuts you maroon politicans! Wake up and defend us, and Mr. President and Condi WAKE UP! Islam is NOT a religion of peace.


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