Friday, December 29, 2006

NAMBLA Afghan Taliban Chapter

It's all starting to make alot more sense now. The homosexual mafia's agenda along with the traitorous left's agenda for civilization to lose World War III, the Islamic Holy War against the kafirs. And then there's dhimmis like Barbara Boxer and Nancy Pelosi who help hasten the demise of western women while being too blinded by the all mighty dollar and their own personal wealth to bother to care about the rest of us.

Enough of the holiday cheer! Enough of ignoring the news of the day. Today I took a peek at one of my favorite blogs and there smacking me in the face is the story from about the perversions of the Taliban in Afghan and their predilications for young boys. Disgusting! Is there no dehumanizing actions these filthy savage followers of Big Mo won't commit? And why not? Big Mo himself was a pedofile. One of his wives was 6 years old when he married her and 9 years old when the marriage was "consumated". I haven't read anything about him buggering little boys, but it's a fairly well known fact that men in the middle east have been raping little boys for thousands of years? As we see today, the followers of the Big Mo and Allan Show have no qualms about murder, rape, torture of their own mothers, sisters, daughters. So why not little boys? (Didn't Yassar Arafat die of AIDS?) The homsexual mafia, the Pelosis and Boxers of this world would have us all believe, it's simply a matter of "choice". In the Koran, Paradise will consist of the following: houris for the heterosexual males, "youths" for the queer males, all the alcohol you can drink without ever having a hangover, and continual feasting. Women are promised nothing.

And what about the writings of the drugged out Khomeni, the so-called holy man of Iran who has written about the allowable sexual exploits of men with animals! I've written about it in earlier posts. Basically he has stated in his "holy-writings" that is is OK for a man to have sex with a goat, sheep or camel, but then the animal must be killed. More "holy" Islamic is NOT OK to sell the dead animal in the man's own village. However, it is perfectly acceptable to sell the animal to the neighboring village!

I know I'm getting a bit off track here, but this all concerns the filthy savage, animalist sexual behavior of muslims that is sanctioned by muslim "holy" men. This next bit of "holy" Islamic wisdom concerns girl babies....yes, that's right Babies! It's ok according to Kohmeni for a man to have sex with a girl baby!! The only down side is that he must then marry her. Makes me wonder: Why did Big Mo wait until his child bride was 9 years old to consummate the marriage?

If you are not sickened enough already and care to read about the Boys of the NAMBLA Afghan Chapter read it here at FrontPage.


Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Wishes

Wishing you all a joyous and blessed Christmas and a happy, healthy, prosperous and peaceful New Year.

May the Peace of our Lord be with you now and for always.

A special Merry Christmas to my faithful reader and commentor, Normandie.


Thursday, December 21, 2006

Standing up to PC BS

Please check out this Congressman who has enough cajones to tell America what's in store for them.

Click Here

YOU and I and anyone with any brains and anyone who does not want to live under barbarism and thuggery, DEMAND of your politicans to speak the truth and CUT THE CRAP!!!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

If I were a terrorist

If I were a terrorist, an Islamofascist, a jihadist or is it jihadi?........I'd be laughing my ass off! I'd be celebrating and making additional plans to take over the western democracies.

If I were a terrorist already living in the country I'd be working to destroy I would hardly be able to stifle my glee at my enemies utter and sheer stupidity!

If I were a terrorist I'd think that some of the excitement of humiliating the infidels was taken away by the ease with which I and others are able to defeat them without them even being aware of it.

If I were a terrorist I'd have already targeted the individuals in my neighborhood that are gonna get their throat slit while they are busy living their life in a bubble of ignorance of what is going on in the world today. I'd be amazed how a once great country could fall so low and become so brain dead in one short generation. Yea, those old folks down the street, those people who think the Democratic party is the same party as it was during World War II, I won't worry about them, they'll be dead soon and in the meantime, they will continue to vote the same way they always have and have no idea what-so-ever that their Congressmen and Senators can not sell them their children out fast enough. These citizens of the "greatest generation" are fooled by talk of "protecting Social Security" and their "health care". Little do they know that it's a smokescreen to deter them from reality. I'd be celebrating the fact that no amount of truth and examples will deter the old folks from believing it's the same America as 50 years ago. Forget about it!

If I were a terrorist in a neighborhood cell, I'd be meeting at the park with other cell members because we don't work. Why should we? The stupid Americans give us plenty of money to live in their country even knowing we will eventually change their entire existence. I'd be smirking if I were a terrorist because I'm collecting welfare benefits in several different names and several different social security numbers. Oh, Allah, thank you for the stupid, stupid Americans!

Oh the mind boggles at all the mischief I could create if I were a terrorist. Anything, anyway, any action I would take against the kafir in his own house, in front of his own eyes would be successfull because he has been so dumbed down, drugged out, PC'd, non-judgementalized, anti-Islamophobized, electronicized, demoralized and incredibley and unbelieveably idioitized, that if I were a terrorist, I'd be looking everyday to have my way in a once great nation of FOOLS.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Dhimmi Dummy of the Day - Individual Catagory

BARBARA BOXER, United States Senator, Demorat, Democrat, Dangerously stuck on Stupid

As this women's name and actions imply, she must have been beat or boxed around the ears and head to be so stupid, so very very stupid.

This from about this looney leftist dhimmi:

Senator Barbara Boxer (D-California) likes to give out what her staff calls “Certificates of Accomplishment.” These are presented to community leaders who have exhibited qualities worthy of receiving such praise as comes from this recognition. Unfortunately, this month, one of these – an “Outstanding Service” award – was granted to none other than the Executive Director of CAIR-Sacramento, Basim Elkarra.

There is evidence to suggest that Elkarra, himself, is a radical, apart from his connection to CAIR. Elkarra has described Israel as an “apartheid” and a “racist” state. He has defended someone that trained for jihad in a Pakistani terrorist camp; he has defended an imam that urged a Pakistani crowd to wage attacks on America; and he has defended an imam that was attempting to build an Islamic school for the purpose of teaching children how to commit violent acts against Americans. As well, he has moderated a pro-terror, anti-Israel event that featured a Hamas operative who spent five years in an Israeli prison.

This is not the type of individual that warrants receiving any type of award. Yet, according to a press release dated December 6, 2006, Elkarra was given the certificate “in recognition of his efforts to protect civil liberties and to build bridges among diverse communities in California.” Certainly, with respect to all of the information above, Elkarra has destroyed more bridges than he has built.

If you still don't know what CAIR is about or is doing to undermine America, check out their website and then the link to Anti-CAIR website.

Dhimmi of the Day, the Dangerous Barbara Boxer.

WAKE UP AMERICA - vote this disgusting dhimmi, BARBARA BOXER out of office before she has a chance to do more damage.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Fed-Mexico plan eases bank transfers - or the disappearing news flash

I've read the headlines on his story on both and, but the links are broken in all places. Unfreaking believeable!!! I can see why the government would want to stop this one from getting out. GodofIrony has it right "This is the exact OPPOSITE of what needs to happen to make our country more secure."

The Saudi Connection

Feds Arrest Man Who Planned to Detonate Grenades in Illinois Shopping Mall

Fox News

CHICAGO — A man was arrested Friday by federal agents on charges of planning to set off hand grenades in garbage cans at a shopping mall. Derrick Shareef, 22, of Rockford, was arrested when he met with an undercover agent in a parking lot to trade a set of stereo speakers for four hand grenades and a handgun.


Posted by: fishermanswife, 12/8/2006 2:06:44 PM

Drudge is reporting his name as Talib Abu Salam Ibn Shareef. Wonder where the Derrick came from?

He left a video tape talking jihad to disbelievers and his brothers and sisters in jihad.


Posted by: mjk19, 12/8/2006 2:26:52 PM

***sarcasm on***This Muslim is misunderstood. The mall would not comply with his request for a Muslims prayer room in the mall so he and his fellow peaceful Muslims could meet their holy obligation of praying 5 times a day to Mecca. Also, the mall refused his request for the PA system to announce the call to prayer. Finally, the mall did not comply with his request to shut down the fountians and close all the food stalls during the daytime so he could celevrate Ramadan and not be tempted to break his fast.Since the mall did not pay Islam the proper respect he must wage jihad against the mall until it submits. He's just following the teachings of Islam. Its the malls fault it was almost attacked for not respecting Islam. The US is a multicultural country now and we must respect the beliefs and practices of all cultures.***Sarcasm off***


Michael Savage, am 910 radio Dec 8, 2006

Reading from transcripts of FBI undercover monitoring of this POS................lots of telephone conversations planning different means and methods of attacking kafirs/infidels/non-muslims and their children.

Go here to read more..........

This week it was reported an 8 year old child had his throat slit at school - USA.


Posted by: BonnieBlue, 12/8/2006 2:38:38 PM

Shareef don't like it ...
bomb the shopping mall ...
Bomb the shopping mall ...

That is what the song says, isn't it?



George Bush and Nancy Pelosi want to totally open the borders.

Humiliation and Dhimmitude - Dhimmi of the Day Awards

DHIMMITUDE - HUMILIATION AND Dhimmi of the Day Awards - Group And Individual
They're playing with you.

They mean to torture and humiliate you. And then they make you pay to be tortured and humiliated.

They know you are too self-involved to realize the truth even when the knife is at your child's throat.

They celebrate the recent US election results.

They thank their false god for the Iraq Study Group Report.

They drink to their long time dhimmis, Baker Botts (, and James Baker, Chair of the Iraq Study Group and defender of the Saudi's and the Dubaians who are working to buy our sea ports and air ports.

Saudi backed masjids/mosques/mesquitas in the US
Home many in YOUR neighborhood?

Ghazal Omid who has lived in hell under the Iranian drugged dirty old men of the quran fatwas is tells us "whether you want to believe it or not, they are building an army against you."

The Islamic madmen the world over are screaming "we are going to destroy you." It is documented daily many times over. We see examples of it daily.

United States Government

JAMES BAKER, Chair Iraq Study Group

*****INSERT TRUMPET SOUND HERE (I don't have time to go out and find the file)

People of the United States