Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Dhimmi Dummy of the Day Award

Portland, ME based Center for the Prevention of Hate Violence Executive Director Stephen Wessler

See this useful idiot dhimmi's "anti-Hate" site, which is a front for hating and white guilt. Useful idiots and dhimmis willing to slit their own throats to show how fair and liberal they are!

Ham Now a Hate Crime

This picture is meant to offend Muslims! If you don't like it, you can Kiss MY ASS!Who in the hell do these people think they are?

As they are “highly offensive” to Muslims, it appears that our politically correct leftist-run middle school system will soon no longer allow any pork products on school property. At Lewiston, ME Middle School, placing pork in the mere presence of Muslims is currently being called a hate crime. Note: Jews also believe pork is unclean but, there has never been any effort by the public school system to remove pork, in order to honor their religious beliefs. That is reserved solely for Muslims. For that matter, celebrations of Christian holidays are being summarily removed from the public school system, while Muslim holidays are commemorated—and Muslim foot washing basins and prayer rooms are being built. All manner of Islamic demands, no matter what the complaint, are being met and Islam is quickly and clearly being established as the “superior” religion in the USA—now in the public school systems and, no doubt, soon in the entire country.

The latest incident of “Muslim outrage” involves a middle-school student purportedly placing a ham sandwich wrapped in a baggie on a lunch table where Somali Muslim students sit. One 14 year-old unnamed Somali student is reported to have said: “At the school the next day, I didn’t feel safe. I felt like everybody was against me. Before I felt like I fit in, and everything was normal.” The ham-placing “offending student” has been suspended, the Maine middle school is calling the placing of the ham sandwich a “hate crime” and the local police are investigating the child. More charges against the child may be forthcoming. School Superintendent Leon Levesque said: “The school incident is being treated seriously as a hate incident!” Then, in the true and remarkable spirit of the Kumbaya-for-Islam set, Levesque added: “We’ve got some work to do to turn this around and bring the school community back together again.” Note: Again, ‘presenting pork’ is only an offense and “hate crime” if it involves Muslims.

Even the Portland, ME based Center for the Prevention of Hate Violence has become involved. Its Executive Director Stephen Wessler immediately went off the deep end and commented: “It's extraordinarily hurtful and degrading to Muslims, whose religion prohibits them from being around ham. It's important to respond swiftly.” Huh? Respond swiftly to an evil ham sandwich? Wessler then added warningly: “Incidents like this that involve degrading language or conduct are often said by the perpetrator as a joke. I know that conduct is never static. It’s part of a process of escalation!” Is Wessler actually saying: “Today it’s a ham sandwich, tomorrow it’s the world!”? What has happened to the alleged minds of our supposedly educated adults, when a non-threatening childish prank is raised to the level of a hate crime? Oh—I forgot. To Muslims we are now being led to believe that everything is potentially threatening. However, real threats from real Islamic terrorists are increasingly discounted by our PC society. 9/11 is a fading memory in all too many minds and Islamic Imams can not only threaten passengers on planes but, then turn around and sue said passengers for complaining about them!

Now, not only do we have Congressional leaders working to appease each and every aspect of Islam that has vowed to destroy us but, we have the US public school system bowing to all complaints—or even potential complaints—from Muslim students and their parents. Of course, any and all complaints from Christian and Jewish students are ignored. Special privileges are progressively being given to Muslims and even facilities are being built, with tax payer dollars, for them on US campuses. No such privileges or construction projects are being afforded to or for any other religious group. And too many are continuing to remain silent. In this case, as in others, silence equates to acceptance. Islam is taking over the USA from both without and within—apparently with the consent of the new ‘silent majority’. It’s a tragedy that SCOTUS did not include mosques in its ruling on the separation of church and state. It has not only come back to haunt and bite us but, will soon render we-the-people and our country as only so much dust in the wind. If we do not now speak up loudly at these injustices and inequities, soon we won’t be allowed to speak at all.








Sher Zieve


This story should be spread all over television, radio and print! Why isn't it?

21 April 2007: Mohammad ALAVI, 49 a U.S. citizen with reported ties to the Phoenix, Arizona Muslim community as well ties with Iran, worked as an engineer for the last 16 years at the largest nuclear power plant in the U.S. – the Palo-Verde nuclear power plant. ALAVI abruptly quit his job at the reactor last August. On April 9, ALAVI stepped off a plane at the Los Angeles International Airport where he was returning from a trip to Iran, and was arrested by the FBI. According to federal officials, ALAVI stole computer access codes and software from the nuclear plant during his employment, and shared the information with Tehran.

According to the information contained in the federal charges, the software taken by ALAVI allows users to access to details on the Palo Verde nuclear power plant control rooms, reactors and plant layout. The software was used in October, two months after ALAVI’s departure from the plant, to download training materials in Tehran, using an active Palo Verde user identification.

At this time, ALAVI has only been charged with a single count of violating a trade embargo that prohibits Americans from exporting goods and services to Iran. If convicted of that charge, he could face up to 21 months in prison. Through his attorney Milagros Cisneros of the Federal Defender's Office in Phoenix, ALAVI, meanwhile, denies any wrongdoing. The FBI also stated that there is no indication that ALAVI has any terrorist connections and that there is no evidence to suggest the software access was linked to the Iranian government.

The triple reactor plant, located about 50 miles west of downtown Phoenix, supplies electricity to some 4 million customers in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and California and has been plagued by outages and equipment problems for the past several years.

Source: http://www.homelandsecurityus.com/ALAVI042107

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Ismail's Ax at Virginia Tech

In a world gone brain dead we have yet another example of dhimmitude, lies and the inmates running the looney bin.

Were the authorities of Virginia Tech celebrating yesterday's school massacre by a probable follower of Ismaili Shiah Islam by having an Muslim lead today's prayers for the dead, who were surely majority Christian? Why is it being ignored that the murderer had Ismail Ax written on his arm?

Stay tuned for the bullcrap reporting of the dhimmi news on this story. There's much more here than what meets the eye.

From Wikipedia:
The Ismāʿīlī (Urdu: اسماعیلی Ismāʿīlī, Arabic: الإسماعيليون al-Ismāʿīliyyūn; Persian: اسماعیلیان Esmāʿīliyān) branch of Islam is the second largest part of the Shī'a community, after the Twelvers (Ithnāʿashariyya). The Ismāʿīlī get their name from their acceptance of Ismāʿīl ibn Jaʿfar as the successor-Imām to Jaʿfar aṣ-Ṣādiq, wherein they differ from the Ithnāʿashariyya, who accept Musa al-Kazim, younger brother of Ismail, as their Imam.

Though there are several sub-groupings within the Ismailis, the term in today's vernacular generally refers to the Nizārī Ismāʿīlī community, who are followers of the Aga Khan and the largest group among the Ismailis.
The Ismāʿīlī are found primarily in South Asia, Syria, Saudi Arabia,[1] Yemen, China, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and East Africa, but have in recent years emigrated to Europe and North America.[2] The Ismāʿīliyya and the Twelvers both accept the same initial Imams from the descendants of Muḥħammad through his daughter Fāṭima az-Zahra and therefore share much of their early history. However, a dispute arose on the succession of the fifth Imam, Jaʿfar as-Sadiq. The Ismāʿīlī became those who accepted Jaʿfar's eldest son Ismāʿīl as the next Imam, whereas the Twelvers accepted a younger son, Mūsā-l-Kāzim. Jafar's son had died and they wanted his grandson, Muhammad, to succeed as the next Imam and not his brother.

The Ismaili's are the assassins of which I have written about earlier in this blog.

It is estimated that there are up to 40,000 Muslim adherents in Korea, excluding resident migrant workers. In South Korea, the Muslim population has been steadily increasing since the introduction of the faith shortly after the Korean War. The Muslim community is centered around Seoul, where the first large 20th-century mosque was built in 1976 using the funds of the Malaysian Islamic Mission and other Islamic countries.

Khilafah al-'Alam al-Islami..........http://islamic-world.net/islamic-state/islam_in_korea.htm

Connect the dots