Thursday, October 12, 2006

Dhimmi of the Day Award

*sigh* Does anyone else feel as if they'll have a heart attack hearing the news of the day? Some stories just about break my heart, leave me breathless and needing a drink!

It's bad enough to have to listen to the rantings of drug addled imams or the great unwashed 3rd-World screaming mimis on the "Arab" street while waving their grimmy signs with "Death to America" "Death to the Pope". But what made my chest tighten today is reading about this Dhimmi of the Day

Condi Rice

It's just so damned distressing to see that the very people who are making decisions on whether we are to live or die, who are there to protect us from our enemies, instead PANDER to OUR ENEMIES!

From trips to Iraq, her diplomacy in Israel and Palestine, her comments on how murderers deserve a better life, her seemly do nothing attitude toward a maniacal high-healed dwarf in North Korea.........



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