Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Minneapolis' Slide Down the Slippery Slope of Dhimmitude

Traveling via the Minneapolis Airport this Thanksgiving? Taking a bottle or two of vino to accompany the big roasted bird and other delicious tradional family foods? Or maybe you're taking a fine bottle of Scotch, brandy or bourbon to share with friends in celebration of the beginning of the holiday season.

You may be in for a long wait for a cab ride to the warmth of your family home. About three quarters of the estimated 900 taxis that make their way to the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport are Somali Muslims who have refused to take passengers carrying alcohol.

"It's become a significant customer-service issue," said Patrick Hogan, a spokesman for the Metropolitan Airports Commission, on Thursday.

Now the airports commission has a solution: color-coding the lights on the taxi roofs to indicate whether a driver will accept a booze-toting fare. The actual colors haven't been decided on yet, but commission officials met Thursday with representatives of the taxi drivers and the Minnesota chapter of the Muslim American Society to continue working on the plan.

I wonder what the outcome will be when Muslim taxi drivers decide they won't take cab fares with women without head coverings or traveling alone. Will they be accepted but forced to in ride in the cab's trunk? What if these holy, pure followers of Islam decide they won't accept people with the wrong color skin or obvious homosexuals? Will the commission dhimmis find a color coding system to appease the religious sensibilities of the cabbies?

Yes, you can take another cab, boycott the Somali cab drivers, watch for the color coding system, but isn't this an affront to American values? Why must non muslims conform to beliefs that are obviously based in hate and disrespect for what Muslims deem as inpure infidel ways.

"According to Muslim law, a Muslim driver cannot question a person's faith or beliefs," he said. "It's not a matter of the person, it's what the person is carrying."

What's next? Will a special law be made that allows Muslim drivers to search prospective fares because it is deemed their religious duty?

Appeasement and dhimmitude, it's a slippery slope that many still do not understand or are willing to put up with because they've bought into the idea of political correctness. Does The Metropolitan Airport Commission really believe that special color coded lights on the cabs will appease the Somali cab drivers?

Recent global experience has taught us that giving into Muslim demands for special treatment because of their religious beliefs is a dangerous road to travel and yet another step of jihad against the west.

How long will it be before Thanksgiving itself becomes offensive to Islam and some dhimmi commission declares that we will no longer give thanks to God for the bounty and beauty that was once the USA?


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