Friday, October 27, 2006

Hey Mohammad,

What page from the global jihad playbook have you taken your comments from?

It's been my experience that nothing every written by a non muslim is ever correct. Either the source is wrong or the translation wrong or it paranoia about the poor Muslim victims, always the victims.

You say "These laughable and despicable reports have capitalized on the controversy they helped to create in the first place and frantically panicked about what they called “the Muslim Brotherhood project to islamize the U.S by imposing the Sharia Law on Americans”, which is utterly ridiculous."

Taqqiyya, holy lies, bla, bla, bla.

Debate is not possible when....refer to paragraph one.

You're a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and know intimately their policies and procedures? Then you are part of the problem.

Can you hear me playing my minature violin for you, the muslim victim?

I'm not writting here to debate you or any other folower of the pedofile. Until the day you renounce global jihad, jihad in my country, denounce Hilal, the so call Imam who thinks women deserve to be raped or until you denounce all the other atrocities commited by Muslims against non muslims and Muslim men against any women be they a raped baby, stoned adult woman, an honor killing, a female castration, a film maker nearly decapitated on the streets, or muslims youths carrying on an infitada in France, you can shut the hell up and work your lies on someone else.


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