Wednesday, December 20, 2006

If I were a terrorist

If I were a terrorist, an Islamofascist, a jihadist or is it jihadi?........I'd be laughing my ass off! I'd be celebrating and making additional plans to take over the western democracies.

If I were a terrorist already living in the country I'd be working to destroy I would hardly be able to stifle my glee at my enemies utter and sheer stupidity!

If I were a terrorist I'd think that some of the excitement of humiliating the infidels was taken away by the ease with which I and others are able to defeat them without them even being aware of it.

If I were a terrorist I'd have already targeted the individuals in my neighborhood that are gonna get their throat slit while they are busy living their life in a bubble of ignorance of what is going on in the world today. I'd be amazed how a once great country could fall so low and become so brain dead in one short generation. Yea, those old folks down the street, those people who think the Democratic party is the same party as it was during World War II, I won't worry about them, they'll be dead soon and in the meantime, they will continue to vote the same way they always have and have no idea what-so-ever that their Congressmen and Senators can not sell them their children out fast enough. These citizens of the "greatest generation" are fooled by talk of "protecting Social Security" and their "health care". Little do they know that it's a smokescreen to deter them from reality. I'd be celebrating the fact that no amount of truth and examples will deter the old folks from believing it's the same America as 50 years ago. Forget about it!

If I were a terrorist in a neighborhood cell, I'd be meeting at the park with other cell members because we don't work. Why should we? The stupid Americans give us plenty of money to live in their country even knowing we will eventually change their entire existence. I'd be smirking if I were a terrorist because I'm collecting welfare benefits in several different names and several different social security numbers. Oh, Allah, thank you for the stupid, stupid Americans!

Oh the mind boggles at all the mischief I could create if I were a terrorist. Anything, anyway, any action I would take against the kafir in his own house, in front of his own eyes would be successfull because he has been so dumbed down, drugged out, PC'd, non-judgementalized, anti-Islamophobized, electronicized, demoralized and incredibley and unbelieveably idioitized, that if I were a terrorist, I'd be looking everyday to have my way in a once great nation of FOOLS.


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