Friday, December 29, 2006

NAMBLA Afghan Taliban Chapter

It's all starting to make alot more sense now. The homosexual mafia's agenda along with the traitorous left's agenda for civilization to lose World War III, the Islamic Holy War against the kafirs. And then there's dhimmis like Barbara Boxer and Nancy Pelosi who help hasten the demise of western women while being too blinded by the all mighty dollar and their own personal wealth to bother to care about the rest of us.

Enough of the holiday cheer! Enough of ignoring the news of the day. Today I took a peek at one of my favorite blogs and there smacking me in the face is the story from about the perversions of the Taliban in Afghan and their predilications for young boys. Disgusting! Is there no dehumanizing actions these filthy savage followers of Big Mo won't commit? And why not? Big Mo himself was a pedofile. One of his wives was 6 years old when he married her and 9 years old when the marriage was "consumated". I haven't read anything about him buggering little boys, but it's a fairly well known fact that men in the middle east have been raping little boys for thousands of years? As we see today, the followers of the Big Mo and Allan Show have no qualms about murder, rape, torture of their own mothers, sisters, daughters. So why not little boys? (Didn't Yassar Arafat die of AIDS?) The homsexual mafia, the Pelosis and Boxers of this world would have us all believe, it's simply a matter of "choice". In the Koran, Paradise will consist of the following: houris for the heterosexual males, "youths" for the queer males, all the alcohol you can drink without ever having a hangover, and continual feasting. Women are promised nothing.

And what about the writings of the drugged out Khomeni, the so-called holy man of Iran who has written about the allowable sexual exploits of men with animals! I've written about it in earlier posts. Basically he has stated in his "holy-writings" that is is OK for a man to have sex with a goat, sheep or camel, but then the animal must be killed. More "holy" Islamic is NOT OK to sell the dead animal in the man's own village. However, it is perfectly acceptable to sell the animal to the neighboring village!

I know I'm getting a bit off track here, but this all concerns the filthy savage, animalist sexual behavior of muslims that is sanctioned by muslim "holy" men. This next bit of "holy" Islamic wisdom concerns girl babies....yes, that's right Babies! It's ok according to Kohmeni for a man to have sex with a girl baby!! The only down side is that he must then marry her. Makes me wonder: Why did Big Mo wait until his child bride was 9 years old to consummate the marriage?

If you are not sickened enough already and care to read about the Boys of the NAMBLA Afghan Chapter read it here at FrontPage.



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