Thursday, September 28, 2006

Harsh Words in Today's PC World

Now I’ve said some pretty harsh things, and no doubt if I were anyone that mattered in life as we live it now, I should be worried. Well, let me tell you, I’m already there! I’m writing here out of sheer frustration and yes fear. I admit it! I am terrified. The terrorists have terrified me.

But I am not stupid, as the Great Ray Charles so eloquently stated on one or two occasions And I am angry too, damnit! I want to slap people in the face and shout “wake up! WAKE UP! Maybe it’s a second adolescent or approaching senility. I swore to the God of Abram, Isaac and Jacob, when I watched those towers, that I would not go easily to the ovens. I had known for quite some time that there’s a strong Nazi connection to Islam. During WWII the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, uncle of Muslim Mafia Don, Yasser Arafat, actually visited the Nazi death camps, the concentration camps, the extermination centers. This Grand Example of Hate liked what he saw and heard with one exception. He is known to have stated with some sadness that the Nazi’s did not go far enough in their genocidal mania and xenophobia.

Now, we get to the dhimmi part. This is the most distressing. The fact that so many in the west are willingly, nauseatingly happily committing suicide.

Yes, there are those whose path of gluttony leads them to dhimmitude, and they may have a great delusional journey, but it’s all the same destination, baby! humiliation, and subjection to the will and the way of hate in a slavery far worse than any slavery the coddled Americans, British, Canadians, Europeans and many more have never known nor can not imagine. Look to the poor souls who live under the bloody and barbaric hand for 24/7. Witness their misery. Check out “Why They Hate Us" by Bridgette Gabriell Or try to see in your mind’s eye how they treat their own daughters with “honor killings” which btw, are on the uprise in western countries.

I’d love to believe there are in fact “moderate” muslims. I’d be more than happy to believe that Islam and the rest of the world could walk over hill and dale and into the sunset to “start a dialog”. Ain’t going to happen, as Dr. Phil is fond of saying in his promos.

Yes, harsh words for a PC'd world, and oh hey! don't forget don't be judgemental either!


"Dhimmi of the Day" award plaque comming soon.


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