Tuesday, September 26, 2006

RamaDamaDingDong - A Holiday to Celebrate Xenophobia

In a world turned upside down, where the jizyah is paid in gourmet food, prayer rugs, health care, and respect for 7th century throat cutting, pedofile followers, it makes me wonder: Are the inmates in charge of the asylum? And as I listen to talk radio this morning I hear simpleton dhimmi callers saying we still aren't doing enough, especially at this holiest of holy times of, what I laughingly refer to as RamaDamaDingDong.

What other options do we have during this time of political correctness crapola, partisan slit-your-own-throat politics, and dhimmitude, than mockery? It's still legal as far as I know.

People, people, people!........nothing we do is going to change the minds of these xenophobes. No Chicken ala orange, top of the line, facing toward Mecca pray rugs, guards wearing rubber gloves, or apologies is going to make these enemies of civilization change their ways. In fact, while they take with one hand they slit our throats with a sword in the other hand.

You people who think we have done something to "inflame" the Islamofascists to hatred, or that better treatment and even paying the slave tax will make them happy are living in a cave deeper and darker than those that Osama Bin-Laughing-at-the-West is living in.

It's all about hatred for anything other than Islam, and in many cases, hatred of Islam against those who practice Islam incorrectly or who are even the wrong color. In the Sudan, black Muslim women are gang raped by Arab Muslims to dilute the blackness of their babies with Muslim Arab bloodline. Maybe this is one way the holy of holiest of holidays is celebrated? Maybe they have holiday clitoris-cutting parties after sundown? Or for the lucky women, who are pure Arab Muslims, the celebration includes vaginal cutting and then forced sexual intercourse by their husbands? For the hapless chador covered women of Iran, Afghanistan or Iraq, whose ankle was momentarily seen in a gust of wind, a humanely applied bullet to the head. And if she had the temerity to say the showing of her ankle was caused by the wind, she will not be so lucky. Her punishment will be to be buried up to her neck in the sand or dirt, while true believers of the quran stone her to death.

It makes one wonder: In the celebration of RamaDamaDingDong, are these activities increased as the mindless xenophobia of these slaves of allah (yes I know allah should be capatilized, but I mean to offend by the use of lower case, which is a subject for another day!) go about their holy days and are the dhimmis of western civilization thinking up new ways to kiss the feet of their masters?


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