Sunday, November 19, 2006

Islamic Feminist Movement - More Taquiyya

Have you noticed that Islamic women are now becoming activists in Jihad? The insistance of their "right" to wear a burka, hijab or veil is a perfect example. This issue is being pushed world-wide, just as for the men of Islam in the west, the issue of "no dirty dog in my cab" is an organized push for Sharia Law.

The woman in Great Britian who interviewed for a job at a school while she was unveiled and then "demanded" it as her "right" to wear a hijab while employed, later confessed her demands were due to a fatwa issued by an imam at her mosque/masjid/mesquita.

The wonderfully humane Palestinians also claim that their women most recently actually volunteer to act as "HUMAN SHIELDS" against the Israeli missiles, which the media whores later exclaim the horrible Israeli missles killed in screaming front page headlines.

At the school massacre in Breslan, Russia, among the terrorist murderers and tortures of young school children were women, acting just as animalistic as their men folk. And at the theatre massacre in Moscow where more than a hundred were murdered by the religion of peace adherents, several of the scumbag muslims were also women.

In the Netherlands full face coverings have been outlawed by a majority of voters. In Germany veils and even head coverings are not permitted in schools. The issue of burka's and full face and or body coverings are being discussed in Denmark, Sweden and Italy.

Now we have the group of New York Muslim women attempting to work their taquiyya magic on us infidels and calling themselves feminists, saying they want to prove to the world by creating the first women's council to interpret the Koran and overcome two stereotypes about their religion: Muslims are terrorists and Islam oppresses women; and that Islam does not oppress women! Excuse me while I choke with laughter!

In my community Muslim women are pushing "wear a veil, it will make you feel good". They even had a special day to celebrate the slavery of hijabbery. Although wearing a veil is a mark of seperation these women want everyone in the community to see them as special and perhaps we need a special and seperate law to protect them while they claim wearing the veil "makes them feel good", says the masjid female mouthpiece. Could this be another fatwa issued by the local imam or was it a centerpiece to grab attention and a deception to bring in CAIR, the Muslim equivalent of the ACLU, into our community to make their first bold move of jihad?

I'm wondering what other communites within the USA are experiencing this drive by Islam to make public the first step in the slavery of women? But this is what Islam is all about: Slavery to Allah as interrupted by Big Mo and futher set to law and commands by a succession of different schools of thought within Islam and by drug addicted and addled Ayotallahs, Imams and assorted thugs and everyday men who are unsure of their sexuality, over compensating for their pathetic sense of pride, honor and shortcommings.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are seriously ignorant and uninformed.
just to point out a FEW of your mistakes:

your comment that "all terrorists claim to be Muslim," is absolutely and OBVIOUSLY false.

also, women ARE allowed to drive in the majority of Muslim countries...

if you're going to shoot your mouth off like this, at least inform yourself on the subject matter first. you sound like an idiot.

6:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since one of the posters here claims "your comment that "all terrorists claim to be Muslim," is absolutely and OBVIOUSLY false." I'd like to hear why they dispute the fact. Talking about Timothy McVeigh doesn't count, so you'll have to turn to another page in the Islamic Jihad and Taquiyya Playbook to attempt to make your point. While you're at it, why don't you site the percentage of global terrorist acts that are committed by Muslims? You need to get some "facts" if you want to make a point.

Furthermore, do you wear a burka or a beard?

8:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry, i thought it was common knowledge that there have been many more terrorist acts not perpetrated by people who claim to be Muslims... i'd be happy to provide some examples of non Muslim terrorist organizations, since some people can't do any research themselves:

-ETA Basque separatist terrorism
-PIRA Provisional Irish Republican Army
-How about those Christian organizations such as the Army of God that think violence is an appropriate tool to fight the wrongs they see in the world: National Liberation front of Tripura,The Nagaland Rebels, the Freedomites
- Kahane Chai (a Jewish Terrorist group as designated by Israel, the EU and the US)
- There are 100s of non Muslim Nationalist terrorist organizations, such as the Irish, Indian, Scottish, Croation, French Canandian, Puerto Rican; 100s of Ethnic Supremacist groups, Anarchist, Communist, and anti-Communist...

For a comprehensive list of organizations and all the statistics you could ever want, go to the Terrorism Knowledge Base Website:

Since you asked ... no, I am not a Muslim. I am an Evangelical Christian, and have degrees in Middle East Studies and Islamic Studies. I came across this blog while searching for information on Islamic Feminism for a paper I'm writing, and was so disgusted by the complete ignorance that I had to respond.

10:02 AM  

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