Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Several examples of fine upstanding slaves of allah

Ramzi Mohammad (did I spell Mohammad correctly, because I really really think it's important since he is such an honorable slave of allah)...Ramzi Mohammad, aka the (21/7)Oval Bomber of Londonistan sat in court recently as the Crown told how he pinpointed a mother with her baby in a pushcart for his homicide explosion. Seeing the young mother, he turned his back with the bomb in his rucksack over his shoulders so it faced her and detonated the charge. The bomb failed to detonate.

Muktar Ibrahim and Hussain Osman, two other inept slaves of allah arrested in west Londonistan, apparently collegues of these human offal slaves of allah, also inept, fled the city after their bombs failed to blow the innocent kafirs to smithereens.

The third dirty little would-be bomber coward, Manto Asiedu or Yassin Omar (it's not clear from the news report, but does the name really matter?) lost his nerve at the last moment, dumped his bomb in a wooded area (it was found two days later)and fled the country disguised in a burka.

A search of the homes of the worms of allah, revealed a mass of extremist Muslim material including home-made films with images of beheadings and terrorist atrocities including 9/11.

The above story is from the Daily Mail found at I couldn't stand to look at the picture of the scumbag posted there, but here's a nice picture of what he may have looked liked wearing that oh so lovely burka

Oh sorry, he isn't as good looking as the person behind the above burka pic!

Have I insulted the slaves of allah? I hope so!


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