Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Like I tell my friends and anyone else who will open their brain for 5 seconds.......

Why return charity, sweetness and lights, soft words and out and out hatred against you, your family, your culture, your religion, your way of life, morals, and commen sense?

It's time to speak up! It's time to beleive your ears and eyes.

If someone is screaming they and their friends are going to burn down America, isn't that a crime? That is not free speech and you know it!!! When are you going to get off your duff and demand your elected officials, all of them, stop the BS and get off the suicide road???

These pieces of shit, muslim Imams and other them miltant, call the a small percentage, it really doesn't matter, and you know it...........threatening to kill you, actually killing others almost daily now, in the name of their so-called religion need to taken out!

Their sorry behinds should be thrown down a hole....the Incas of Macchu Piccu had such a hole for their criminals, and I'll wager for far, far less aggregious crimes.

I am going to purchase a burka....what color do you think is best to wear for a girl whose country has been castrated, bought out and run by all-around crap-for-brains who don't even have the courage to kill themselves, but would rather do it to all of us. *0$(&@%, elitist policitical pigs! This IS after all the year of the PIG.

And you sit there. YOU are the DHIMMI of the DAY if all you do is read this blog.

Tell me I'm wrong!


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